Interski 2023
Every four years the NZSIA sends a team of representatives to an international congress event called Interski.
Interski International holds the world’s largest congress for the exchange of snow sports methodologies and techniques between the member nations.
Latest News and Articles from 2023 Interski
PSIA-AASI Keynote: Increasing Gender Equality in Snowsports Instruction
How might Big Sky Resort Mountain Sports School and PSIA-AASI increase gender equality within the highest levels of certification and leadership in snowsports instruction?
Taiwan ~ Snowboard ~ An Introduction
Richie chats with Perry! Although not an official member of Interski, Perry made a huge effort to come to Finland as a representative from Taiwanese Snowboard Instruction. Check out the video introduction!
Germany ~ Snowboard ~ Support The Next Generation
Support The Next Generation: How do we get kids on the snowboard from an early age on? How can we set up structures to let them and sport grow? We show you how we achieved this with the successful SHRED KIDS program (3rd place FIS SnowKidz Awards 2022).
Canada (CSIA) – SKI – What We Do! (Technical Concepts)
The CSIA presented their technical concept called ‘The Skills Framework’ at the 2023 Levi InterSki congress. (Note: this is an update with some more information from the previous post entitled "The Skills Framework & How It Can Be Used to Teach"). The workshop was...
USA (PSIA) – SKI – Observing, Assessing, and Training People Skills
The PSIA presented the People Skills pillar of their Learning Connection Model (LCM) at the 2023 InterSki congress held in Levi, Finland. The other pillars of the LCM are, Technical Skills, and Teaching Skills. In the workshop Kevin, Ann, and Mike highlighted how the...
Argentina ~ Snowboard ~ Let it Flow!
Presenter: Franco Ruffini May the forces be with you & let it flow!! How to take advantage of the inertial forces while snowboarding OBJECTIVE The approach of this workshop was based on the Argentinian Snowboard Technique (AST) foundations and the benefit of the...
Sweden – SKI – Self Leadership for Ski Instructors
This was the first of 3 workshops presented by Snowsport Sweden during Interski and was lead by Interski Team members Fredric Ericsson and Tess Axen (pictured). The 3 on snow workshops are based on the new work model for Swedish Snowsports which consists of 3 pillars....
Spain ~ Snowboard ~ Importance of breathing on snowboard technical work
In this workshop we learned the importance of a good approach to breathing while snowboarding. We learned that using the breath effectively can boost our performance and can make the technical progression easier for our guests.
Canada (CSIA) – SKI – How We Do IT: Teaching Concepts
The Canadian teaching concepts presented in this clinic were based around their ‘Collaborative Teaching Approach’.
Ireland (IASI) – Ski – The Need to Create Adaptable All Mountain Skiers & Riders to Aid with the Guest Experience
The Irish Association of Snowsports Instructors (IASI) technical philosophies, highlighting how they train their instructors and thus their guests to ensure they have the tools required to navigate the whole mountain.
Snowboard ~ Video highlights
Interski 2023. Shred on!
Finland ~ Opening Ceremony ~ Interski 2023
Levi, the BIGGEST snow resort in Finland. The Welcome show to Interski Finland, 2023.
U.S.A. ~ Snowboard ~ Technical Fundamentals
Snowboarding fundamentals with AASI reported buy Guy McCully
Canada ~ Snowboard ~ Keeping the Stoke high!
They focused on how to build engagement in lessons and how they train their instructors to build the stoke.
Germany ~ Snowboard ~ The ‘Compass’
The snow was prime both in and out of the park, so Manual was keen to send it!