
PSIA presented their student centered learning model, that promotes learning as the outcome. They explained that they use two way communication to facilitate reflection of the students performance and offer choices for how to adapt the students development further.

The use of scaling questions helps the teacher and student gage the level of skill acquisition of the student. Asking the student if they would prefer to have more or practice time to move into an autonomous phase. If they believe they are not getting it, they can ask for more help from teacher. This can come in forms of more demonstrations or more information. If the skill has been acquired then the student can ask for direction on how to challenge it further.

By engaging with the student in these ways the PSIA believes they create a powerful learning environment.

A quote from Robin Barnes, PSIA demonstrator sums up the workshops main takeaway nicely.

“A master teacher shows you where to look, but not what to see”

By Interski Team Member, Sarah Walls